The pace of your life has gotten to be too much for you. You've fallen out of touch with your partner, you've become distant from friends, and you feel like a muted version of the self you used to be. If someone asks you to do one more thing you might scream...or cry. Part of you feels guilty for even thinking that this is too hard and that you need some help sorting it all out. The other part of you feels afraid that you're imagining a day that you can just sleep and sleep and sleep and maybe not wake up. It's just a thought, but it's scaring you. That's why you're here.
How I Can Help You:
Together we're going to get really honest about the story that you're telling yourself about your worth. We're going to uncover the thoughts and shed light on the feelings that have been driving this more-more-more way of living. Once we've gotten clear about how you feel and the ways that you speak to yourself, we're going to decide what stays and what goes. We're going to put you back in the game by allowing you to do the things that fill you up and let go of the things that are dragging you down.
More love, connection, and joy. Less stress, people pleasing, and supposed-tos (too many shoulds and we begin living someone else's life).
Therapy will allow you to get crystal clear about your boundaries, your support system, and your values. You will understand how you are showing up in the world and how to live with intention. No more following the crowd. You will show up as YOU and speak your truth without worrying too much (or at all) about what other people think. This is YOUR life. You get to create your life in each moment.
It's true, you will rediscover your inner strength through therapy. But you'll get to reawaken your soft strength, too. This experience will allow you to be more gentle with yourself and more compassionate towards others. The equation is rather simple: the softer you are with yourself, the kinder you will be towards others. By listening to the needs of your own heart you will get to show up in your life and engage with people in a whole new way.
Does this sound like what you need? Contact me today and let's get started.